Surface Chemistry News, a chemical company’s news and PR spin site was one of the more interesting web projects I’ve had the pleasure of working on. The Layout was developed with WordPress in mind, and created first as a Photoshop mock up. Then working with a fellow web designer, created a new WordPress theme using […]
Arcadia Bio Web Site
While working at Chempetitive, a marketing agency, our client Arcadia Bio asked for a site to be developed that demonstrated a clean and contemporary look, but also had some features such as a black and white version of the site, that would run less energy to view on CRT monitors than full color. I developed graphics, CSS, and […]
WCLX, Lindy Potion #9
The Windy City Lindy Exchange, or WCLX, is an annual swing dance exchange hosted in Chicago by Chicago Dancers. One of the original cities to start Lindy Exchanges, (the type of swing dance, the “Lindy Hop”) Chicago’s WCLX is well known in the swing dance community and brings up to 300+ visiting dancers from all […]
DOW Biocides Jobs Website
DOW Biocides, is a branch of a chemical company specializing in neutralizing microbial problems for various industries. While working at Chempetitive I developed this concepts for DOW for their Job postings. Made in Photoshop and then sliced and inserted into HTML with corresponding CSS.
Midwest BioResearch Web Site
Midwest BioResearch site’s redesign was a project that I worked on while at Chempetitive. Redoing the entire site from scratch with the creative department, my responsibilities were to create all primary and secondary images, flash banner, code and create HTML and CSS, and all secondary pages. Lots of slicing and CSS tweaking in this project, but was […]